Thursday, January 9, 2014

vlc - playlist

unhappy with amarok's memory consumption -amarok 10.5% MEM vs. vlc 1.8%- I switched to VLC.
I'm listening to the same couple of radio stations throughout the day and had to figure out a way how to start vlc with those stations.
I thought the best way would be to save the stations to a playlist, but I didn't find a way how to save a playlist. After each restart the playlist came up empty.

Here's how it works for me now:

Media -> Open Network Stream -> Enter URL of the station's stream
do this for all stations needed
Save playlist to file. I saved it as "vlc-playlist.xspf" to my home directory.
Now you can either start VLC from the CLI with "vlc vlc-playlist.xspf" or add an Icon/Launcher to the GUI with the Command: "/usr/bin/vlc vlc-playlist.xspf" and vlc will start with the x stations saved in that playlist.

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